Monday, October 01, 2001


1) No alcohol, drugs or whatever bad habits there might be.

2) Mature responsible adults

3) Live separated lives as much as possible.

4) We pay for our own way, the food, and the toiletries! No asking for money! It could cause problems.

5) No shady characters

6) No silent treatment. It could cause problems!

7) No stupid games.

8) No sex with each other.

9) If Miguel and/or I moved out sooner, he has to pay me for the remaining rent.

The Roommate Situation

Miguel wants me to pay half the rent, $250 each month.

I just remembered something; I do pay all the bills since the beginning. Therefore, the rent should be about $200.

He still ole me over $2,000 for the TV, queen size bed, TV stand, the nightstand, the dresser and others. We went half on some things. Since he ole me, that could be my rent for 8 months tops! If he moved or kicked me out, he would pay me for the remaining rent! That seems fair to me! I don't have to worry about the rent! I would be 8 months in advance! I only want my clothes and the computer. He could have everything else. I don't want to drag lots of things around with me!

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